DarCole Products provides a diverse range of specialty admixtures specifically tailored for a multitude of niche applications. Our extensive product portfolio encompasses a wide array of innovative solutions designed to address the unique challenges and requirements of various construction scenarios. Whether it’s enhancing the flowability of self-leveling concrete, improving the freeze-thaw resistance of concrete in cold climates, optimizing high-performance concrete, or enhancing the waterproofing properties of construction materials, DarCole Products has the expertise and specialty admixtures to meet these needs.

DCI Specialty Admixture


DarCole Corrosion Inhibiter is a calcium nitrite liquid corrosion inhibiting, non chloride accelerating admixture for concrete containing steel reinforcement.  DCI chemically retards the onset of corrosion actions of chlorides on reinforcing steel materials and will increase a structures service years.  DCI has a minimum nitrite content of 30%.


  • Provides effective corrosion protection to reinforcing steel in concrete
  • Extends service years of reinforced concrete
  • Offsets corrosive effects of concrete ingredients that have exceeded normal chloride limits
  • Can be used in bridge decks, parking garages, slabs, and other reinforced concrete requiring corrosion resistance
  • Increases protection from de-icing salts and other chloride exposure
  • Aids to prevent concrete from freezing at higher dosage rates

DIW Specialty Admixture


DarCole Integral Water-Proofer is a polymeric liquid water repelling admixture for concrete that exhibits superior performance compared to other conventional water repellants.  DIW provides long lasting resistance to water penetration by reacting to form an effective water resistant network throughout the concrete mix.


  • Less maintenance and moisture damage due to permanent water repellency
  • Controls & reduces efflorescence
  • Reduces mold & mildew growth
  • Reduces coats of paint required
  • Enhances color of colored concrete

DND 814 Specialty Admixture


DarNdry-cast 814 is a mid range water reducing   admixture that improves the quality of dry cast  concrete.  DND 814 performs especially well in hollow core precast or prestressed concrete by  reducing water-cement ratio, eliminating sag, stopping strand slippage, and improved set times.  DND 814 can be successfully used in wet cast and shotcrete as well.


  • Increases bonding, flexural and compressive strength
  • Provides easier workability, placement, and finishing of concrete
  • Ideal for use in dry cast and wet cast concrete
  • Enhances air entrainment by up to 2%
  • Stabilizes volume, and accelerates finish time
  • Allows for faster erection of walls and improved cut times
  • Enhances color in colored concrete

DSE 731 Specialty Admixture


DarCole Strength Enhancer 731 is a multi component, chloride free, strength enhancing admixture for concrete.  DSE 731 promotes higher early and ultimate strengths at all ages, especially where much higher strengths are needed within a 24 hour period.  DSE 731 can be used year round, even in warmer climates, where accelerated set times are less desirable.


  • Provides higher early & ultimate strengths with no negative effects of mix properties
  • Improves overall strength at all ages by increasing the rate at which heat is generated during hydration
  • Safe for use in all steel reinforced concrete
  • Earlier use of structural concrete
  • Faster form stripping
  • Improves plasticity and cohesiveness
  • High strength mix requirements within 24 hours

DPI ASR Specialty Admixture


DarCole Alkali Silica Reactivity (ASR) Prevent is a lithium nitrate liquid concrete admixture that chemically mitigates ASR expansion.  DPI ASR will     extend the service life of hardened concrete.  Alkali Silica Reactivity is a chemical reaction that can  occur in concrete between the alkali in cement and the silica in aggregates.  This reaction creates a gel that absorbs water into the pore solution, which expands causing concrete to crack.


  • Improved durability & extended service life
  • Provides ASR protection to the concrete from alkalis
  • No adverse effects on plastic or hardened concrete
  • Contains a minimum of 30% lithium nitrate by mass

DAW 661 Specialty Admixture


DarCole Anti-Washout 661 is a liquid, water soluble polymer that can prevent the washout of finer particles in plastic concrete by substantially increasing the cohesiveness and viscosity of the concrete mix in underwater concrete placement.


  • Eliminates the washout and mass loss of fine particles in plastic concrete
  • Drastically increases cohesiveness of concrete mix consistency
  • Helps eliminate concrete bleed water
  • Maintains normal setting characteristics through most of the dosage ranges
  • Maintains the same water demand to promote higher strengths
  • Can be added on site or at the batch plant after all other ingredients have been introduced into the mix
  • The costs associated with dewatering can be reduced or eliminated
  • Water reducing admixtures such as DWR 385, or DSF 1443 should also be incorporated into all mixes containing DAW 661

DIS Specialty Admixture


DarCole Integral Shield is a multi-component, liquid water repelling admixture for concrete that exhibits superior water shielding performance compared to other conventional water repellents. DIS provides long lasting resistance to water penetration by re acting to form an effective water resistant network throughout the concrete mix.


  • Less maintenance and moisture damage due to permanent water repellency
  • Controls & reduces efflorescence
  • Helps improve resistance to deicing chemicals
  • Reduces mold & mildew growth
  • Reduces coats of paint required
  • Can be used in precast or decorative concrete
  • Enhances color of colored concrete
  • Works best with mix design strengths above 4500 psi

DVM 985 Specialty Admixture


DarCole Viscosity Modifying 985 is a viscosity modifying admixture designed to provide stability and reduce segregation in concrete. It is designed to aid in the production of highly flowable, self consolidating concrete, and can be used for pumped concrete.


  • Beneficial for stability in gap graded mixes
  • Drastically increases cohesiveness of concrete mix consistency
  • Reduces Segregation in Self Consolidating concrete
  • Helps eliminate concrete bleed water • Maintains normal setting characteristics through most of the dosage ranges
  • Can enhance appearance of finish
  • Can be added on site or at the batch plant after all other ingredients have been introduced into the mix
  • Air Entrainment dosage will remain the same
  • Water reducing admixtures such as DWR 385, or DSF 1443 should also be incorporated into all mixes containing DVM 985
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